Cross-Cultural Practice PDF
By:Sharon-Ann Gopaul-McNicol,Janet Brice-Baker
Published on 1998 by John Wiley & Sons
Cross-Cultural Practice Developed primarily in the consulting rooms and universities of Europe and North America, traditional forms of psychological assessment and treatment are not up to the task of dealing with today’s culturally diverse patients. In an increasingly multicultural society, where basic terms such as |normality| and |family| can have radically varying definitions, it is not unusual for well-meaning clinicians to inadvertently misclassify unfamiliar behaviors or beliefs as abnormal or pathological. Ultimately, the solution lies in educational reform. In the meantime, a major first step toward ensuring that ethnically different patients receive quality mental health services is the adoption of culturally sensitive assessment and intervention models such as those described in this pathbreaking book. The culmination of its authors’ many years of experience in working with culturally diverse patients, this timely guide arms practitioners with an array of innovative—yet clinically grounded—approaches to psychological assessment, intervention, and training. With the help of numerous case examples drawn from their work with Asian, Caribbean, African American, and Hispanic clients, Drs. Gopaul-McNicol and Brice-Baker illustrate a four-step approach that entails assessing problems within their familial and sociocultural contexts, and then tailoring interventions that take full advantage of the religious, social, educational, familial, and legal institutions that shape an individual’s experiences and beliefs. The authors begin with a trenchant critique of traditional mental health training, in which they expose built-in cultural and historical biases that effectively hobble a trainee’s ability to think multiculturally. They next explore a range of assessment issues, describe clinically validated techniques for treating culturally diverse children, parents, and couples, and outline best practices in report writing for linguistically and culturally diverse clients. In their discussion of clinical issues that arise when dealing with culturally diverse families, they detail a proven Multicultural/Multimodal/Multisystems (Multi-CMS) approach to intervention. Returning to the topic of education in the final section, they outline the major competencies needed to develop a trainee’s multicultural skills, and offer valuable training suggestions for professors and clinical supervisors. Describing a dynamic new approach to cross-cultural assessment and treatment, Cross-Cultural Practice is valuable reading for both professionals and students in mental health.
This Book was ranked at 25 by Google Books for keyword Assessment.
Book ID of Cross-Cultural Practice's Books is g0IgyOyB4cgC, Book which was written bySharon-Ann Gopaul-McNicol,Janet Brice-Bakerhave ETAG "rPvpx3eiFeM"
Book which was published by John Wiley & Sons since 1998 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780471148494 and ISBN 10 Code is 0471148490
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "192 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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